It's time to Celebrate Summer – The Fun and Fizzy, Cider Keg Way!

Summer’s here, and it's time to celebrate! Are you ready for 2024 Staycations, picnics, beach days, weddings, reunions, BBQs, gatherings, and get-togethers? How about our monthly holiday long weekends? After a dreary winter and soggy spring, we Canadians are ready for a Summer of Celebrations!  

DID YOU KNOW that this year’s summer celebrations are headed in a new direction? Beverage trends are evolving towards the non-alcoholic sector with more people opting for fun and fabulous non-alcoholic options. Summer lovers are looking for beverages that flirt with their tastebuds and keep the magic of indulgence going. Are you stocked up?

Let’s break down the biggest summer celebrations

Canada Day Festivities

Oh Canada Day, July 1st – the day we all  come together to celebrate our amazing country.

The one day a year our Canadian modesty allows for full-blown patriotism. Everything is decked out in red and white, there are parades, concerts, and fireworks, Backyard BBQs and patio parties galore!  While in the past many have opted for beer or wine, this is the perfect occasion for something with a little more SPARKLE. Sparkling Cider is the perfect toast to Canada’s birthday plus we even have a Truly Canadian label!

Music and Cultural Festivals

Summer in Canada is synonymous with festivals. That’s right, we know how to party! We love to get out and about, grooving at the Rock Concert, hitting up a butter tart festival or taking in a flower festival. One thing these events have in common, all have is the food and drinks are expensive. The seasoned festival goer knows that packing a cooler for drinks and snacks is a great way to keep the budget under control. With a couple of chairs and a mini table, you have a park side picnic complete with a bottle of refreshing celebratory sparkle that takes your wanderlust to wanderLOVE. Cheers to that!

Outdoor Adventures

Summer in Canada is for the Great Outdoors. Camping, hiking, bonfires, cottages and yes we will count glamping too. From portaging through the Algonquin to chilling on Prince Edward Island’s beaches, Canadian nature can be awe-inspiring. Just imagine relaxing in the evening, looking up at a beautiful starlit sky and raising a glass of non-alcoholic bubbly to all that beauty. We don’t like to brag, BUT our Strawberry Rhubarb does happen to pair incredibly well with smores!  

Community Gatherings and Barbecues

This is the big one. It's not summer with many gatherings with friends, family, and neighbours for some good old-fashioned fun. Be it an afternoon backyard BBQ or a large wedding that goes late in the night, celebrations are everywhere in the summer.  It seems like there is something just about every weekend. Of course, a little sparkle always fits in. Great hosts always have non-alcoholic beverage choices for underage guests and those who are choosing simply not to drink. Great hosts treat choosing non-alcoholic with care and forethought to make sure all their guests feel included and special.

So what are you waiting for? Dive into the demand for non-alcoholic options and stock up on Cider Keg Sparkling Ciders. (On a side note: Our sparkling cider also happens be a fabulous mix for both cocktails and mocktails 😉)